A fair wind

at a precipice
we felt
the earth move
and there
among the clouds
we dreamed
things that mortals
seldom dare
unearthly visions
sank beneath the haze
sand slipping
into an ocean
of memories
lost in time
light filtering
to a seabed
waves (of emotion)
still flowing
even as the storm
has passed
and sails billow
again (reaching)
before a fair wind

Far From Here

She’s looking away
into a far sky
across a canyon of hope
To a place
where she knew
he would remain
even as he stood
by her side

Her dreams
and their dreams
Melting in ice falls
of tears
falling like rain
Knowing the leaving
was coming too soon
and knowing how
love was forever
As rivers flowing
and sails
on its oceans
for passages home
There is no distance
in the heart
she said
and agreed
time’s return was
too soon

Memories wait
forever unfolding
new lands beheld
in the sun
and there
hearts will keep
between sheets of rain
the presence returning
in reflections of light
in his eyes

Photo by gfs – Near Chandler, AZ 2017

Eulogy for my Sister


Spoken for the wake of my beloved sister JoAnn –

In the conclusion of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell tells us it was Nietzsche who said “Live, as though the day were here.” He goes on to say; That every one of us shares the supreme ordeal – carries the cross of the redeemer – not in the bright moments of the tribe’s great victories, but in the silences of his personal despair.

Jo-Ann, today we hear your silence. A voice that speaks in our memories of your trials and your victories, as living proof of all we’ve seen you stand up to. Not only a disease, but your love of family, of life, and your voice for the law, equity and justice. A voice that will long echo your story … A young mother who knew, in her time, education would pay her the best dividend. You worked and attended Law School full time, not just chasing, but grabbing hold of your dreams … all the while knowing, as you often said, for a woman it was: “Another day, another 78 cents.”

You told me not long ago, in the midst all those therapies, that each day you had a choice; Stay in bed, or get up, put your feet on the floor and face the day. Gathered here, are many witnesses that every day you chose Nietzsche’s advice.

By God’s grace, you and I became brother and sister. We grew up in one of the best examples of a dysfunctional baby boomer family, and we remained lifelong friends. I have celebrated your joys, known your darkest fears, shared your remarkable dinner table, and felt your deepest sorrows. There are no regrets where love lives in the heart.

We laughed often, cried together, and yes, we argued a bit … I was blessed. Not with the quiet blessing at a dinner table, but a hard won blessing from all the bits and pieces of a lifetime of love that now lives forever in my soul.

Sis, you have opened my eyes to a truer understanding of our reason for being… To live every day as Spirit meant it to be … Full of breath, of heartbeats, and emotions. Seizing every day with a love for all life has to offer, always remembering that – “The sky would have no rainbow, if the eyes had no tears.”

I love you … and I will truly miss your voice …

Link to Remembrance of JoAnn R Sensale

The shadow falls


Is there a shadow cast
By the man in the mirror
In the dream
he runs
unable to fly
Claws on hands
and feet
Escapes to arrive
At some unknown
invited in

Love is the law
Love under will
Care is defenseless
When compassion desires
Asks only to please
The shadow falls long
The sun sets
Night falls
and the dream
long forgotten

Here was a choice
Once was a season
For this
The un-reasoned response
To the tears
For the fears
Are the outrage of life
Scarlet the letters
Written in blood
Of a promise
Made in our name

The forsaken forgiving
of worlds in between
The wound that was opened
and healed
Not by the sutures
In words full of passion
Nor by the balms
of desire
The tomb is laid open
By a hand once wounded
As the way, and the truth
and the light

Picture: http://outpouring.ru/news/1-0-9

raison d’être

mountain tree

Summer days waking the earth
Wind and fire rain upon the land
Will it find hope
extinguished with the flames
or Spirit rising with the wind

Is this the reason for being
For rising tides
and rainbows on far horizons
for beauty and passion
for holding onto life

Meadows fill with windflowers
Born by the light
of a distant sun
Whose love knows no boundaries
Embracing the oceans of time

Where do the songbirds go
When night falls
Do they fall from the sky
Does the earth gather them up
to rise again with the dawn

Do the wing-ed’s songs
Echo and vanish with them
Leaving the Nightingale
Alone – keeping vigil
Through the dark?

Are we the same
Do the dream worlds we visit
while sleeping
Become what’s the matter
with life

Or is life what happens
when we dream
Of forests whispering in the wind
and the snow that waits
Above the Tropic of Cancer

Image: http://transfigurations.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html

Still to be


Far away words have passed
below the surface of reason
skipping like a stone
over the frozen surface
of time

What was lost beneath the blue
the shattered crystal water
melting in the sun
rising with the moon
over mountains

Yours was not a memory
of autumn’s falling colors
of salt scent from the harbor
as nightfall settles in
along the bay

Rain reveals the heart
and sunlight warms our days
as sights we’ve come to know
Entering the gardens of our lives
and sacred places

Time does not forget the blooms
seasons rolling will remind
the willing to sustain
intentions spoken in the dream
forever still to be

Photo: Maui Sunset by gfs