Angel of music

How does the music call on the wind,
in waves of delight for all I can hear.
As each fuller tone builds into presence,
alight by the magic of notes in my ear.

How would I know the cry in the forest,
becomes the soft tune of joy that it is.
Forever as answers tell of the blessings,
of truth in the fruits of all she can give.

The balance of nature alive in me still,
breathes in the echoes of ev’ry sweet word,
all that is rhyme or e’er came to be,
began in the voices I’ve not ever heard.

So in Angel’s music I know I can find,
the face of beauty lifted in voice,
into dreams I forever become as I grow,
by the sound I will learn there is choice.

Here will I live inside sweetest tunes,
to reflect all I am and will ever become.
The moment revealed as lessons in loving –
returning me always through life into one.